Grey Hair and Tan Skin: The Youthful Glow You’ve Been Searching For

Grey Hair and Tan Skin: The Youthful Glow You’ve Been Searching For

Unfortunately, there’s no way to stop the aging process. As time goes on, we inevitably start to see the texture of our skin change and silver strands of hair appear on our head. Many people dye their hair and tighten their skin, and while we’re in full support of that, we understand that there are also people who aren’t comfortable with those methods. Some people want to let their grey hair shine!

Luckily, we’ve got just the trick for getting a youthful glow even as you age and start to go grey: all-natural CLEANTAN Tanning Drops.


That’s right! Self-tanner isn’t just for teens and twenty-somethings that want to look like they’ve just returned from a tropical island vacation. It’s for everyone! And it perfectly pairs with grey hair to give you the youthful look you’ve been missing. 

cleantan self tanner gives a youthful glow

The sun’s effect on grey hair

When you go grey, the cells that produce color in your hair shift have been depleted from your system. When they’re all gone, your hair lacks in pigment and turns grey, silver, or white. These color-producing cells also help to fill and protect your hair shaft from damage, so when they are gone, your hair is more fragile.


Getting a tan from the sun is certainly the most traditional way of tanning your skin, but the very same UV rays that give you a healthy glow are extremely harmful to your vulnerable hair shafts – not to mention to your delicate skin, too! That’s why we’re so obsessed with self-tanner. All the glow, none of the harm.

CLEANTAN Tanning Drops help keep your skin healthy

CLEANTAN isn’t like any other self-tanner out there. It’s made from all-natural plant-based ingredients like black tea, dark cocoa fruit, and beet extract. It’s packed with antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that are trying to damage your skin and contains absolutely no chemicals, so you don’t have to worry about unhealthy ingredients. 

All it takes is a few drops of CLEANTAN in your favorite moisturizer and you’ll be well on your way to a youthful glow! The drops are ultra-concentrated, so they need to be diluted before the self-tanner is applied to your skin. Your moisturizer of choice will work with CLEANTAN to restore moisture to your skin and radiate a youthful glow.

cleantan sunless tanning drops for face

The iconic grey hair and tan skin duo

Just because you’re starting to get grey hairs and maybe a few wrinkles, that doesn’t mean you have to stop feeling beautiful! There is something to be said about the contrast between grey hair and tanned skin. Not only is the look striking, but the glow you’ll get from self-tanner helps offset your hair’s lack of pigment and helps make you look vibrant from head to toe!

cleantan self tanner for mature skin

Protect your aging skin and hair from the sun and see what an application of CLEANTAN’s all-natural tanning drops can do for your appearance. Don’t forget to take a picture and tag us in it on social media! @cleantanusa

Tanning Questions?